This guide was designed by Ian Haut '21 as part of his yearlong ambassadorship with the CSW Library in SY 2019-2020.

Think of something you’ve always wanted to do: it could be that spring cleaning project you’ve been putting off, starting a journal, or getting in better shape. Most of us have countless long projects to do or habits we want to build, but just never end up getting around to. It can be hard to carve out the time to work on something consistently, especially if there’s no deadline. Over the past few years, I have started, continued, and finished multiple projects that took months to complete (many still aren’t done!). In this guide I will share what strategies and resources have worked for me when it comes to these long projects!

Getting Started

Before jumping into a long project or trying to start a new habit, think about what your goal is and what you want out of the project. What are you trying to achieve? The end goal should be something that excites you, and something you can look forward to (if not, why even do the project?).

Plan out the big-picture steps. How can you split up the process into manageable pieces? If the project is a marathon, these steps should be like the miles. Decide how and when you are going to work on it. Make sure this is a reasonable goal. Crocheting for five hours a day, for example, is the fastest way to make a blanket, but it's not the most sustainable.

Strategies for working

  • Make the process enjoyable! If working on your project is unpleasant, you won't want to do it.

  • Incentivize. Reward yourself for steps completed and milestones reached!

  • Have your projects in the vicinity and easy to access

  • Add variety to the process! Try to make each day just a little different if you can

  • Instead of measuring progress by time or speed, try to measure yourself by milestones instead. If you're constantly rushing to make a deadline, you will probably get burned out.

Here are 2 books from the library collection that you may find helpful

The Power of Habit: Why we do What we do in Life and Business

By: Charles Duhigg

Call #: 158.1 DU

How to Change Things When Change is Hard

By: Chip Heath and Dan Heath

Call #: 303.4 HE

3 long-term projects that I've completed or am working on

The little room

This was a construction project I did in the summer and fall of 2019. The entire process took about four months!

Crochet Blanket

I've been working on and off on this blanket for around a year and a half. I am about 90% done with it now.


During quarantine, I decided I would start a running habit. I had not been a big runner before, but now I do it every day.