Please navigate to the tools below to continue your technology integration journey in the classroom.

These tools were introduced as part of our remote and hybrid learning with Gryphonline 2020 and should become a part of your regular teaching practice to create more equitable experiences for students in your classes.

The tutorials will provide both written instructions and visual aids, and in some cases, videos. For reference, you can navigate to the MOD 6 2020 TOOLBOXES PRESENTATION for idea generation, the AUGUST 2020 NEARPOD + MIRO training for reference, and this FAQ - YOU ASKED. WE ANSWERED.

Don't forget to remind yourself of the CSW Technology Values statement.


Want to make sure your multimedia and lessons are accessible to all students? Learn about all the different accessibility features of the tools we use

Want to quickly turn on captions for regular tools used like youtube, vimeo, and google slides? Check out tutorials here.

Interested in screen readers for pdfs and google docs? Look here.

how tos for class pages, topics, bulletin boards, gradebook and more

the ins and outs of engaging with remote students via zoom

other ideas for collaborative, equitable course content like screencasts and short instructional videos


a virtual whiteboard with collaboration tools that will allow all students to join in real time whether at home or in person. also link to websites, google slides and docs, and some other collaborative tools of note.


 create interactive lessons that have a combination of slides, activities for students, and even assessments. Build off of already created presentations (Google Slides) or create from scratch. Works great with the nearpod app, too.


collaborative pin boards, galleries, maps, chat back channels, and other ways to prompt students to create content together.


Flipgrid is a free, education-focused platform to create and share short videos. Users create videos around topics, then upload those videos to a ‘Grid’ for sharing, feedback, and topic-based response videos.