
Padlet is an online collaboration tool that allows you to put any content (e.g. images, videos, documents, text) anywhere on the page, together with anyone, from any device.

Teachers could use Padlet for collaborative class discussions, reflections on Skype calls with other students, sharing creative writing and brainstorming ideas from summer reading.

1 Visit

2 Select LOG IN

3 LOG IN WITH GOOGLE and choose your CSW email account


5 Choose a layout option(for example: the CANVAS option allows you to connect ideas with arrows)

6 Name your padlet (Last Name, Topic) ex. Wolf - Spanish Civil War

7 Change the wallpaper to a non distracting color or simple pattern

8 Turn on Attribution options (post author + comments)

9 Copy the link to your padlet and share with teacher

10 Double click anywhere to create boxes

Content types:




PDFS/other files


Other features:

Change size of boxes by clicking and expanding corners

Change colors of boxes to define content types or similar sources

(ex. Primary sources are all yellow)

Connect similar types of content by using the Connect to Post feature

Consider using one of the many padlet templates to create unique content with your classes. There are walls, canvases, grids, streams, shelves, interactive maps, timeline tools, and even back channels, which create a chat or discussion board.