To highlight a cool app or web tool to audiences in quick, little bites.

20 minutes, 15 minutes, short demos, a little time to try with help nearby. Some examples of potential application in a classroom.

Features "Resident Experts"--connecting with faculty who love a tool and want to promote it.


KIALO-EDU, Department Chairs FEB 2020

ROCKETBOOK BEACONS, Deptartment Chairs MAR 2020


APPEAR.IN ex. host your own room for video chat without passwords or accounts. use your phone or computer.

SCRUMBLR.CA ex. learn how to create a digital whiteboard for your next project learning / group / team work.

LINGT.COM ex. create speaking assessents and assignments for students (*Patricio could host this--uses a lot in his Spanish classes)

FLIPGRID ex. learn how to amplify student voice

GOOSECHASE EDU ex. mobile scavenger hunts


GOOGLE SLIDES PRESENTATION LIVE AUDIENCE FEATURE ex. learn how to field questions from a live audience through Google Slides

POPUP CODING IN GOOGLE DOCS ex. learn how to use Google Scripts to create a simple pop up message when a user opens your Google Doc.

PERSONAL LEARNING NETWORKS | OER ex. where can a faculty member send students to do their own learning? what does that look like?