Always consider from what perspective? you'll want to have a mix of sources from perspectives prior to European colonization of Africa, as well as perspectives from colonized and colonizer during the period in question. Additionally, move beyond these sources and find scholarship from African researchers. Know that it takes some work to explore and deepen your understanding of a topic; and remember, finding and locating some sources can be challenging--you are seeing a real world example of the impacts of colonization still effecting countries and communities, long after independence.


JSTOR (use limiters at left to include source type: primary source)

U of Wisco: Africa, Sights and Sounds of a Continent Archive (images and audio, more contemporary African focus)

African Online Digital Library

EAST AFRICAN NEWSPAPERS collection (early 20th century)

LOC: Africana Historic Postcard Series (amassed during the most insidious period of European colonization 1895-1960)

U of Wash: Comprehensive Guide to African primary sources, by general, country and region. Look for any items without a lock on them.


You'll want to explore finding scholars who represent the African research/views. Once you find one scholar, it can act as a breadcrumb to others.

AFRICAN JOURNALS ONLINE (find journals by country; many open source)